Our Services

Dental Implants to Restore Brooklyn Smiles

Dental Implants to Restore BrooklynAt Dentistry for Adults & Children, we strive to help you achieve an appealing, fully functional smile. Dr. Michael Regis has a wealth of experience renewing smiles with dental implants and high-quality restorations. Our practice brings you the convenience of placing and restoring dental implants under the same roof.

If you reside in Flatbush, Brooklyn, Queens or any of the surrounding Kings County communities, our talented team is here to help you restore your youthful smile. We invite you to experience our compassionate services and relaxing atmosphere. Call today and schedule your consultation!


What is a Dental Implant?

Dental Implants BrooklynA dental implant is a permanent solution that renews your dental function and enhances your smile. It restores both the lost or damaged tooth as well as the tooth roots. It consists of three main components:

  • The Post - This component replaces the tooth roots. Made of medical-grade titanium, it is safe and can last for decades.
  • The Abutment - This part is affixed on top of your new tooth root (the implant post). It is used to connect your new replacement tooth to your post.
  • The Restoration - This is the last step in the implant procedure. Your artificial tooth is then placed on top of the abutment. Your new prosthetic can either be a denture, bridge, or a crown.

What to Expect During a Guided Dental Implant Surgery

Receiving dental implants usually takes several months. However, with the latest dental techniques, Dr. Regis delivers same-day implants. Guided surgery allows for the minimal-incision placement of a dental implant. It is fast and causes minimal pain and almost no postoperative swelling.

The steps of the guided implant surgery are as follows:

  1. Planning Stage: Once you agree with Dr. Regis that you qualify to receive a dental implant, our team will take precise images using 3D CBCT x-rays and perform an intraoral scan. With this technology, the ideal location and size of the implants can be accurately determined.
  2. The Implant Surgery: If you need a tooth extraction, Dr. Regis will perform it before surgery. Next, the implant post is placed with precision. This surgery can be accomplished with minimal bleeding since the incision length is tiny.
  3. Receiving the Restoration: Restorations are tooth-colored and look exactly like your natural teeth.

Implant Restoration Options We Provide

Dr. Regis offers high-quality restorations that last for decades and restore your smile’s function and beauty. Our various restorations include:

Fixed Dentures – These appliances can restore one arch of your teeth or both. An implant-supported full denture can replace a whole arch using six to eight implants. A partial denture uses one or more implants to replace individual sections of adjacent missing teeth.

Implant-Supported Overdenture – These appliances are attached to a fixed base using two to four implants. However, they are removable and are useful for cases with extreme bone loss.

Crowns– If you have one missing tooth, we can replace it with a single implant and a crown.

Fixed Bridges – These restorations replace two to three missing teeth in a row. This bridge doesn’t rely on adjacent healthy teeth for support, instead it relies on implant posts.

Mini Dental Implants

At Dentistry for Adults & Children, we offer both traditional and mini implants. Both types of implants are durable, safe, and effective. The only difference is the size. Based on your specific situation, one option could be better than the other. Dr. Regis uses mini-implants with overdentures or along with traditional implants to provide stability to full dentures.

Do You Offer Bone Graft Surgeries?

Yes. In the situation where your jaw is not strong enough to support dental implants, a bone graft might be necessary. During this procedure, we add grafting material to your jawbone to give it enough strength to hold your dental implants securely.

Do I Qualify for a Dental Implant?

Dental Implants to Restore BrooklynIf you are an adult with adequate oral health, you may be eligible to receive dental implants. During your consultation, Dr. Regis will check your teeth and gums to confirm you qualify. If you have gum disease or your jawbone is not strong enough to support dental implants, you may need some pretreatments before receiving a dental implant. For complex cases, a skilled periodontist comes to our office to ensure we provide you with excellent treatments.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation for a Perfect Smile

Dr. Regis teaches full mouth rehabilitation at NYU and has a wealth of experience delivering successful smile makeovers. If you are looking to change how your smile looks, we can combine various services to give you the appealing smile of your dreams.

Exceptional Dental Implant Services in Brooklyn

At Dentistry for Adults & Children, we serve Flatbush, Brooklyn, Queens, and the surrounding Kings County communities, changing lives one smile at a time. Our well-trained staff offers you top-quality dentistry using the latest technology. Contact us today and schedule your visit.



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