Our Services

Reliable Dental Crowns in Brooklyn

portrait of happy young coupleAt Dentistry for Adults & Children, we provide caring and reliable dental care services, including crowns. Because of their pleasing aesthetics and ability to repair bite function, crowns are a popular option for restoring your smile. Using high-quality materials, Dr. Michael Regis works with you to find the best solution to fit your needs and desires.

Whether you need a new crown or want to repair a damaged one, our Brooklyn dental crown experts provide the latest care modern dentistry has to offer. If you're in Brooklyn, Queens, or one of the surrounding areas, we're the team you can trust to renew your smile. Contact us today to set up your appointment!


What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a prosthetic that can restore the shape, strength, and functionality of your tooth. By covering the tooth with a crown made of top-quality material, we can prevent further damage from bacteria and wear. Our team works with you to determine the color of the crown that best matches your existing teeth.

What are Crowns Made From?

In the past, crowns were made using metals, like gold. Now, we offer crowns that feel and look more like your natural teeth. Some of the materials we use in our office are:

Ceramic – A light and thin material that is durable and strong.

Porcelain – The most naturally-looking solution and is easily matched to your existing teeth.

Zirconia – This material combines the strength and durability of metal crowns with pleasing and natural aesthetics.

Dr. Regis and his team are dedicated to using only the finest labs and latest innovations in dental crown technology. Our top priority is offering solutions that are long-lasting and customized to fit your individualized needs.

Why Would I Need a Crown?

As a versatile option, crowns offer a safe and durable solution for many dental health issues. Our Brooklyn dental crown team will thoroughly assess your current oral health and only recommend what is best for you. Some of the ways dental crowns can be used include:

  • Returning strength to a tooth with severe decay
  • Restoring a chipped or broken tooth
  • Supporting a dental bridge
  • Enhancing the aesthetics of a tooth
  • Replacing a missing tooth as part of a single dental implant
  • Protecting a tooth after a root canal therapy

What to Expect When Receiving a Crown

senior woman looking at dental x-rayAfter determining you require a dental crown, our team will administer an anesthetic to numb the area. Next, we will shape your tooth to ensure the crown will fit properly and securely. We then take impressions of your mouth and send those to our trusted lab partners. There they will craft your crown using the material we agreed upon to fit your needs and desires. During your first visit, we will provide you with a protective temporary crown while you wait for your custom crown to be made.

Your new crown will arrive in approximately two to three weeks. Upon your second visit, we will affix your crown using dental cement and make any alterations needed for a secure and natural fit. The goal of our Brooklyn dental crown experts is to restore the strength and aesthetics of your smile.

How to Take Care of Your Crown

Just like your natural teeth, crowns require that you take care of them. It is also important to remember that the tooth underneath the crown is still susceptible to decay should something happen to the crown. Maintain the strength and longevity of your prosthetic with the following tips:

  • Make sure to brush and floss your teeth twice a day, along with rinsing with mouthwash.
  • Avoid using your crown to chew hard and sticky foods. Over time, these can cause the crown to break or become loose.
  • Schedule regular visits with our dentist for routine exams and cleanings.

How Long Do Crowns Last?

Your crown's longevity depends on many factors, including location, materials used, oral hygiene habits, diet, and how often you visit the dentist. By maintaining good habits, you can help maximize the life of your new tooth. A typical crown will last between five and fifteen years. Our team provides the care and information you need to help keep your crown strong and intact for as long as possible.

Your Brooklyn Dental Crown Experts

At Dentistry for Adults & Children, we work with you to make your dental crown treatment effective and comfortable. Whether you're looking for dental crowns in Brooklyn, Queens, or one of the communities nearby, our practice is easy to find. We offer late appointments during the week, and we're open on Saturday's. Contact us to set up your appointment, and let's begin repairing your smile today!


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